food supplement in capsules, containing isomers of conjugated linoleic acid CLA additionally includes with green tea extract standarised for epigallocatechin gallate and L-carnitine.
GOLD CORE LINE CLENBUREXIN offers a carefully selected combination of natural plant thermogenics, vitamins and caffeine. GOLD CORE LINE CLENBUREXIN contains
حارق دهون قوي جداً، تم بيعه بنجاح في عمان منذ ثلاث سنوات. أي آثار جانبية. قم بتغيير نظامك الغذائي بسهولة وخسارة الوزن#qatar #saudiarabia #delivery #fat #fatloss #thermo #supplements
Premium quality L-Carnitine fat mobilizing tablet with 1000 mg of active ingredient.Dosage recommendation: Take 1 tablet 30-60 minutes before training.